We’re powered by people, not big business
Why Support Blackpool and Fylde Green Party?
To create a fairer, greener future for everyone – ourselves, children and grandchildren, our community and the whole world – we need to get more Greens elected to all levels of Government.
Blackpool and Fylde Green Party has a great track record we fought fracking and won.
Our next goals are:
- Get our first Green councillors elected in 2025 & 2027
But elections cost a lot of money.
For campaign materials such as newsletters, election leaflets, and window posters.
Unlike the other parties, we can’t rely on billionaire and corporate backers, or on union subscriptions. Everything we do depends on membership subscriptions, fundraising events and donations from our supporters.
Your help, whether with fundraising or by making a donation can make a big difference, helping us to grow our movement, and get more Greens elected to work towards a sustainable, Green and just society.
Thank you for any support you are able to give.
How To Donate
Donate by bank transfer (BACS). This enables Blackpool and Fylde Green Party to keep 100% of your donation.
Please donate to:
Blackpool & Fylde Green Party
Account: 15903162
Sort code: 30-99-50
When you have made your donation please inform the treasurer together with your full name and address. This information is required as we need to keep track of who money is coming from so we can declare relevant details to the Electoral Commission – it will be used for no other purpose.
Contact: chair@blackpoolfylde.greenparty.org.uk or secretary@blackpoolfylde.greenparty.org.uk
We are very happy to accept donations and support from non-members.
If you wish to donate more than £500 in a year, you must be a citizen of the UK and on the UK electoral roll. Donations over £500 from any ineligible donor will be returned.
By making a donation you confirm that you are eligible to make political donations in the UK, and that this donation is not made for and on behalf of any other person. All donations are received subject to the regulations of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000.